Altar Guild


The Altar Guild is made up of confirmed members of the parish who make their Christian witness with quiet rejoicing.  They serve in God's sanctuary and at His altar and strive to make their service an acceptable offering to our Lord. Altar Guild members make their work a sacred duty and leave personal feelings outside the sacristy, and as Christians they bring tact, composure and tolerance to their work.

Members care for the Sanctuary by preparing the altar for worship, caring for the linens, candles, communion vessels and keeping the Sanctuary neat and tidy. They are also available during private ceremonies such as Weddings and Funerals.
Altar Guild Director - Sue Zane Faulkner


Altar Guild Prayer

Almighty God, grant, we beseech thee, that we may handle holy things with reverence, and perform our work with such faithfulness and devotion that it may rise with acceptance before thee and obtain thy blessing: through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Carol Brown

Sue Zane Faulkner

Charlotte Haynie

Linda Joseph

Judy Lansford

Tulisha Wendele

Jo Wooten

Jane Westerfield




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