What is Cursillo?
Cursillo is a spanish word meaning "Short course". Cursillo is a movement of the church. Its purpose is to help those in the church understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders. The leadership may be exercised in work situations, in the family and social life, in leisure activities, and within the Church environment. Leadership, in Cursillo, does not mean power over others, but influence on others; all of us need to be aware that we can exert a positive influence on those around us.
What is the Goal of Cursillo?
The goal of Cursillo is the goal of the Church: to bring all to Christ. This is done when informed, trained leaders set out with the support of others having a similar commitment.
What does Cursillo do?
It helps to renew and deepen Christian commitment. Cursillo is one of many renewal movements. Many people have said Cursillo provides an important learning experience which causes many to feel like newly made Christians with a purpose and with support.
Are there Cursillo Secrets?
You may have been told by some who have attended the weekend that they cannot tell you what Cursillo is all about or what goes on during a Three-day weekend. This is not correct. Everything that goes on during the weekend may be told to anyone. Cursillo literature is available to anyone who wishes to read or purchase the materials.
What is Reunion Group?
The Group Reunion the heart of Cursillo, is a small group of friends
(usually 3-5) who meet weekly, and who hold each other accountable for their spiritual journey. They report on their piety, their study, and their apostolic action. A bonding develops that institutes a strong support group for life.
What is Ultreya?
The Ultreya which is usually held monthly, is a "reunion of the reunions".
It provides support and builds community by allowing the sharing of communal experiences.
If you are interested in knowing more about Cursillo or attending a
Cursillo weekend contact the church office at (512) 556-5433 or
National Episcopal Cursillo
Cursillos in Christianity - The Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Episcopal Cursillo - Austin Convocation