You can belong to St. Mary’s by coming to worship with us and taking part in the life and ministry that we experience and exercise in this community. Membership in the parish (church) is a little more involved.
If you have been baptized with water and in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit then your baptism is viewed, by the Episcopal Church, as being “valid”. We understand baptism as a onetime event which is our entrance into membership in the church universal. There is a rite of admission in the Episcopal Church known as confirmation. This is a program of instruction in various aspects of the Episcopal Church including worship, history, and polity (the way we govern ourselves). The culmination of a confirmation class takes place when a bishop visits and folk are confirmed in the church.
Whether or not one would choose to be confirmed that does not keep you from belonging to this faith community. If you would like more information about confirmation or baptism in the Episcopal Church give the church office a call 512-556-5433 or contact us at